About Living Buddha Lian Sheng
「 蓮生活佛」原是基督教徒,之後進入道教,再進入佛門顯教,最後潛修佛門密教。自1982年旅居美國西雅圖後,正式開始大轉密教度眾之大法輪,將一門艱深晦澀的千古密法,融匯成一順應時代潮流,易學、易懂、易修的新時代無上法門。
「蓮生活佛」至今已完280餘冊佛學鉅著,而且在繼續寫作中。並有作品被翻譯成英、日、葡 、越、西、印度、印尼、泰語等不同語言,在世界各地出版廣傳;且被美國國會圖書館全套收藏。 微笑人生,寫作度化有緣人。閲讀更多

我們的故事 Our Story
英國真渡雷藏寺的緣起成立於1991年,當時根本傳承上師聖尊蓮生活佛慈悲賜予我們一個同修會真渡堂,位於英國倫敦Kings Cross,從此,大開方便之門接引各方善信學習真佛密法其間不斷舉辦法會,邀請多位真佛宗金剛上師蒞臨主持法會及協助法務。
2000年,聖尊蓮生活佛大加持下,我們得以位於 Willesden Green 一個更大面積的地方,开始著力籌建真渡雷藏寺。經歷重重困難終於建成,聖尊蓮生活佛更於2013年親臨英國真渡雷藏寺主持世間稀有的「時輪金剛大法會」,致今真渡雷藏寺仍努力不斷服務英國地區有縁眾生。
The origin of True Buddha Temple UK, located in London, England, can be traced back to 1991 when the compassionate Grand Master Living Buddha Lian-sheng bestowed upon us a place for spiritual cultivation, True Buddha Hall, in Kings Cross, London.
Since then, the doors of great convenience have opened wide, guiding and facilitating virtuous practitioners in learning the esoteric practices of the True Buddha School.
Numerous Dharma assemblies have been held, with the participation and assistance of many True Buddha School Dharma masters.
In 2000, under the powerful blessings of Grand Master Living Buddha Lian-sheng, we acquired a larger space in Willesden Green and began the dedicated efforts to establish True Buddha Temple UK. Despite facing numerous challenges, we eventually succeeded in completing the construction.
In 2013, Grand Master Living Buddha Lian-sheng personally visited True Buddha Temple UK to preside over the rare "Kalachakra Grand Dharma Assembly."
Until today, True Buddha Temple UK continues to strive diligently in serving sentient beings with affinities in the United Kingdom.

※本寺服務 Temple Services
- 安奉太歲、光明燈 Year Guardian (Tai Sui) Sadhana
- 供齋、供花、供燈 Foods/Flowers/Lights Offering
- 印經、善書及流通 Donation for Publication
- 辦理皈依申請、灌頂 Take Refuge to Guru Lian-Sheng
- 代收 師尊供養金 Donation
- 蓮生活佛盧勝彥文集借閱 Dharma Book library
- 白事誦經 Funeral Service.

※本寺活動Dharma Activities
- 同修 Group Practice
- 火供消災祈福法會 Fire Offering Ritual
- 佛誕法会 Celebration Buddha Birthday
- 辦理白事誦經 Bardo Service
- 佛學班 Dharma Classes
- 龍王寶瓶放生 Dragon King Treasure Vase Practice
- 除夕「頭炷香」Chinese New Year First Incense Offering
"I'm here to lead sentient beings to the realm of Budha's wisdom."